In this section you will find material of interest produced by RELAF, NGOs and government agencies of the countries of the region. These documents can be used for consultation, dissemination, training and other activities. To continue enriching this section, we invite you to share material that you consider of interest to the Network, by writing to



Early Childhood

Towards a diagnosis of the situation of the children between 0 and 3 years of age placed in residential care institutions in Latin America and the Caribbean
Towards a diagnosis of the situation of the children between 0 and 3 years of age placed in residential care institutions in Latin America and the Caribbean

Diagnosis of the situation of the children between 0 and 3 years of age placed in residential care institutions in Latin America and the Caribbean. UNICEF and RELAF.

Early childhood in a family. Guide of benchmark experiences for the preservation of early family bonds
Early childhood in a family. Guide of benchmark experiences for the preservation of early family bonds

It recognises programmes, practices and public policies that resulted in the guarantee of the right to family and community life.


Situation Studies

Migrant Children

Handbook on international human rights standards applicable to migrant children and adolescents
Handbook on international human rights standards applicable to migrant children and adolescents

It synthesises the main concepts and standards as to the protection of the rights of migrant children in the region.

Migrant children and adolescents: framework and situation for the fulfilment of their human rights
Migrant children and adolescents: framework and situation for the fulfilment of their human rights

It identifies possible violations of migrant children's rights in the context of institutionalisation.

Returned migrant children. Analysis of the contexts and the responses of the child protection policies and services in El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Mexico
Returned migrant children. Analysis of the contexts and the responses of the child protection policies and services in El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Mexico

It evaluates the policies and services of the governmental and nongovernmental bodies in charge of protecting the rights of the migrant children that have returned to their communities of origin.


With your help, we can keep on working so that all children can live in a loving family just like yours.