Irene Salvo, Technical Assistant for RELAF, gave a talk at the International Seminar ‘Towards the Construction of a National Adoption System: Standards, experiences, and challenges’ organised by SENAME, Silva Henríquez Catholic University and the Alberto Hurtado University and held in Santiago de Chile on April 27 and 28.
The seminar featured talks by Claudia Fonseca, PhD in Sociology (Brazil); Diana Marre, PhD in Social and Cultural Anthropology (Spain); Miguel Cillero Bruñol, Lawyer and Doctor in Law (Chile); Marcela Labraña, then Director of SENAME, and Maria Estela Ortiz, Executive Secretary of the National Children Council. The event also had the participation of authorities of Chile, Colombia, Venezuela, the Dominican Republic, and Mexico, as well as academics and experts from Chile.
RELAF met Maria Estela Ortiz Rojas, Executive Secretary of the National Council for Children in Chile, aiming to further strengthen the process of deinstitutionalisation in that country.
Continuing the Agenda conducted in October by Matilde Luna, where she held meetings with several key actors of the Chilean Comprehensive Protection System, as Maria Estela Ortiz Rojas, Executive Secretary of the National Council for Children of Chile, Estela Ortiz met with RELAF once again, this time in Buenos Aires, to continue the discussion and exchange about the situation in Chile.
Currently, there are about 600 children under 3 living in institutions in Chile. Our goal is to eradicate this practice in the Chilean children protection system. In that sense, and in order to further strengthen the process of deinstitutionalisation, RELAF has been working for some time in that country, and is evaluating, together with UNICEF Chile, cooperation possibilities there for the coming year.
The creation of the "National Childhood Council" by President Michelle Bachelet marks the start of a new political-institutional context in regards to childhood public policies, which are now given a higher importance. This provides an important, favourable backdrop for deinstitutionalisation projects already undergoing in the country. Still, Chile owes a big debt to its children: the passing of legislation on Children's right's Integral Protection and the creation of a Comprehensive Child Rights Protection System.
Since 2012, RELAF has worked together with UNICEF and the Chilean government in the Initiative for the deinstitutionalisation of children aged from 0 to 3 by assisting local actors in identifying the challenges and obstacles for the compliance of the rights of children deprived of parental care, and generating strategies for the improvement of their work.
UNICEF, RELAF and the recently created Council are currently working on a new phase of the Initiative, where the actions of the Call to Action will be deepened and the lives of the thousands of children deprived of family and community care in that country will be improved. For further information, please visit: http://www.minsegpres.gob.cl/2014/03/presidenta-bachelet-crea-el-consejo-nacional-de-la-infancia/
During November, RELAF went back to Chile to take part in new activities within the framework of the Pilot Test. Matilde Luna and Karina Pincever, on behalf of the Network, worked together with all the institutions and entities involved in this stage of the regional initiative to stop the internment of babies: SENAME, UNICEF, and the two NGOs in which the test is being carried out, ADRA and Santa Catalina. They also held meetings with judges and persons of reference from renowned local organisations in order to observe the reform process of the practices of alternative care for children in their early years.
The goal of the pilot test is to achieve family and community integration for all children under 3 years of age living at Santa Catalina institution, while ADRA's Foster Care Programme is left in charge of deepening the practice of foster care for young children. This is only an initial step: the intention of the project is for it to be replicated throughout Chile and provide important lessons for other countries of the region.
On one hand, on this occasion, work focused on the impact of institutionalisation of babies and young children and on the disastrous psychological, physical and social consequences of them being brought up in an institution. On the other hand, considering the time elapsed since the beginning of the pilot test, work also revolved around the evaluation and reorganisation of the process in order to keep moving forward.
Once again, the teams involved showed high human and professional qualities, and UNICEF and the childhood authorities expressed their commitment to this pilot test, reaffirming the role taken on by Chile as a pioneer in the challenge of achieving family life for every baby.
More information
We invite you to watch this report on foster care broadcast on Chilean television, which features the experiences of several foster families and words by Matilde Luna, leader of the RELAF Project, and by Rolando Melo, SENAME's Director.
During September and October, two work stages of the Pilot Test took place. The first one was coordinated by María Elena Verdún, from Paraguay; the second one, by Federico Kapustiansky and Miguel Sorbello, from Argentina. In both cases, meetings were held with the actors that are participating in the Pilot Test, and progress was made regarding the regional initiative to stop the internment of babies. Also, training activities aimed at operators and adolescents who live in institutions or foster families were carried out using the friendly versions of the UN Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children.
Trainings and work meetings
María Elena Verdún's agenda included several activities. First, a meeting with the team that is developing the pilot test (among them, members of Chile's National Service for Minors, UNICEF and RELAF), in order to reveal the progress of the project. Second, a workshop with the NGOs involved in the pilot test: ADRA's Foster Care Programme and Santa Catalina Residence. In this context, the methodological steps that allow for the deinstitutionalisation of children and for their entrance into the foster care programme were analysed. In addition, the subject of appropriation was discussed along with the role of foster families in relation to the biological families, and the need to raise awareness was brought up among the Judiciary of the violation of rights that institutionalisation brings.
Likewise, a Seminar entitled 'Processes of evaluation and intervention in children's life situations from a family- and community-based perspective' was carried out. It included the participation of 25 persons who work with foster families or for institutions, who debated about the situation of children. The activities of the Seminar also included a sensitisation workshop with the participation of institutions that work with SENAME, in order to give visibility to the foster care programme in the local working spheres. This workshop had the participation of SENAME'S technical operators and representatives from the Programme of Specialised Intervention (PIE), the Office of Rights Protection (OPD), the Programme of Brief Intervention (PIB), Ambulatory Diagnosis (DAM), the Community Promotion Project (PPC), the Project for the Remediation of Severe Abuse (PRM), and UNICEF.
To close these activities, a meeting was held with Raquel Morales Ibáñez, Head of SENAME's Adoptions Department, an important meeting in the development of the Regional Initiative to stop the institutionalisation of children under the age of 3.
This work stage, led by Federico Kapustiansky and Miguel Sorbello, consisted of four workshops using the friendly versions of the UN Guidelines for Operators. Over 80 persons took part in the activities, coming from diverse areas of the childcare system, such as the Office of Rights Protection (OPD), Specialised Foster Families (FAE), operators from children's institutions, and supervisors of SENAME's programmes. It is important to highlight the participation of representatives from the Valparaíso region, who have an interesting background in the reform of their own practices. The workshops focused on promoting reflection on the experiences of each professional, in order to subsequently find the relations and connections between said experiences and the guidelines stated in the friendly versions.
In addition to the workshops with operators, three workshops with children aged between 12 and 18 were carried out. The first of them included the participation of 17 young people from SOS Children's Villages, Hogares Evangélicos de Chile Foundation and Posada del Niño. The focal points of debate were the lack of knowledge as to the reasons behind the separation of children from their families and the problems caused by the children's long stays at institutions. The latter issue also arose in another workshop with adolescents, in which they expressed their thoughts and reflections in relation to their experiences of deprivation of liberty, for instance, the daily disconnection and lack of communication between them and their families of origin and the discrimination they endure at school because they do not live in a family. Another workshop had the participation of 20 children living in foster families. In this case, the children's attention while reading the friendly versions focused in differentiating family-based from institutional care; they underlined the advantages provided by family-based care with regard to the guarantee of rights, the contact and communication with their families of origin, the progressive autonomy, and the construction of spaces for dialogue, among other matters.
Meetings with decision-makers, debates with specialists, and the telling of experiences by operators and young people were the focal points of these two activities of the Pilot Test that is being conducted in Chile, a highly demanding initiative led by RELAF, UNICEF and SENAME, with the aim of being replicated throughout the region.
Chile's National Service for Minors (SENAME) informed on its website about the visit of Judith Aude, from the National Institute of Childhood and Adolescence of Uruguay, to Santiago within the framework of the Pilot Test. We invite you to download the document below, in which you will find detailed information regarding the training seminar on foster care that took place during her stay, including data regarding the Regional Initiative against the institutionalisation of children under the age of 3, led by RELAF, SENAME and UNICEF
Relaf was in Santiago de Chile participating once more in the working meetings of the Pilot Test, which is part of the Regional Initiative for the eradication of the internment of children under the age of three. This time it was Daniel Moreira from Uruguay who led the technical cooperation activities, the visits to the residential care institutions and the meetings.
In this context, a workshop with judges and the staff of civil society organisations that participate in the initiative was carried out on August 29 in facilities of the Ministry of Justice. The workshop used scenes extracted from films that help reflect on the situation of young children separated from their families, the people responsible to care for them and the consequences of their long stays at children’s institutions. The scenes screened provided a good opportunity for an interesting debate and for the questioning of the practices.
Also on the 29th, a meeting was held in Hogar Casa Santa Catalina with the institution’s staff. The institution’s work methodology was discussed: for instance, the fact that children housed there have a lifebook, a child friendly way to collect all relevant information relating to life stories of the child. There is also a system of therapeutic companions provided by a nearby university. Likewise, the institution’s staff presented their strategy of gradual family reintegration, in which children are allowed to periodically leave the institution to spend time with their families in order to prepare them for their return. They also showed the high level of coordination with local networks, which serve the function of maintaining the bonds between the children and their families.
The following day, a meeting was held in ADRA. The work modality of ADRA’s project, which aims primarily to foster care in extended family, was tackled. In addition to this, the project’s staff detailed the approach methodologies and the process to evaluate the families involved. They also highlighted their fluent communication and connection with other childcare centres or services, the importance to monitor the situation of children and their families after the children are released from the institution, and the ways in which they intend to cover these two requirements.
One of the highlights of our visit to Chile, during the afternoon, Soledad Larraín, from UNICEF’s Rights Protection area, and Daniel Moreira were received by Rolando Melo, SENAME’s General Director, who showed his interest in the pilot test. Finally, the workshop for SENAME operators was carried out with a great turnout. In this context, the workshop consisted once more of film screenings that opened the door for debate.
The event was regarded as very positive by the participants.
Between August 14 and 17, the second stage of training for the Pilot Test was carried out with the participation of operators, experts and the staff of various institutions involved in the care and protection of children.
During the first day, representatives from RELAF, UNICEF and SENAME visited the Foster Care Programme of Adra, which operates in all the regions of Chile and is one of the NGOs that host the Pilot Test. Its history and modality of work were presented in a meeting with the staff of the Programme. Also, the need to carry out a wider coordination between the healthcare, education and housing policies and those that deal with the restoration of rights was highlighted. The staff of Adra forms a high level, consolidated technical team, with a wide experience and commitment to its task.
The following day, the Seminar on the care of children and adolescents “Recreating opportunities” was held with the participation of 80 people, among them children’s institution’s staff, foster families, professionals from the areas of healthcare and the judiciary, and members of the local organisations that participate in the Pilot Test. The opening was in charge of Soledad Larraín, from UNICEF, and Magdalena Lioi, the Chief of the Rights Protection Department of SENAME.
Judith Aude, Uruguayan representative of RELAF, presented the experience of the development of foster care in her country, its background, the learnt lessons, and the proposal to improve childcare institutions. During the debate, issues such as the importance of the legal improvement in Chile (which is being discussed in the Congress), the need to have an array of responses for each particular situation, and the tension between the need of a substantial institutional transformation and the resistance to it because of cultural customs were raised.
Then, Judith Aude dealt with the subjects of the transformation of social intervention, the cooperative work between different institutions, and the protocols and procedures. In this instance, the participants discussed the identification of partners and possible allies for the development of the Pilot Test, and the importance of taking into account different institutional approaches and working logics in order to open fluid communication channels between the institutions. It is worthwhile to highlight the interventions of the judges about the necessity for them to approach the work of the operators so as to achieve the coordination of both universal and targeted policies.
During the third day, a meeting was held with the staff of Adra and the children’s home “Casa Santa Catalina”, which is one of the organizations that host the Pilot Test. There, discussions were raised about the aim of improving the cooperative work between different institutions, by enhancing the relation with the Judiciary, as well as about the revision of the legal framework and the need to further develop the strategies to summon and recruit foster families.
During the last day, there was a visit to the children’s home “Casa Santa Catalina” with its directors. They expressed that the commitment of this institution to go through a transformation and improvement process should be planned for all the institutions of the country.
To sum up, the evaluation of this experience was very positive. The Pilot Test is targeted to children under the age of three, that is, the group that shows the most extremely traumatic consequences of institutionalization. This is why it is necessary to elaborate strategies, new methodologies, and innovative ways of intervention from a political and ethical point of view that is respectful of the Rights of children.
During July, representatives of RELAF, UNICEF and SENAME held meetings in Santiago de Chile during three working days. In this opportunity, the coordination team was composed by Soledad Larraín and Lorena Valdebenito (UNICEF); Ana Cáceres, Alicia Grandon and Flora Vivanco (SENAME); and Leticia Rodríguez (RELAF, Paraguay). They first held a meeting in order to review the agenda, share their expectations and organise the logistics.
During the second day, a Seminar was conducted in the Ministry of Justice and Labor with the participation of over sixty people who work at residential care facilities and foster care programmes. The subjects that were dealt with were the situations of family separation and alternative care measures, among others. The opening activity was led by Ana Cáceres. Afterwards, Soledad Larraín presented the Pilot Test and Leticia Rodríguez developed the issues that were to be discussed.
In this framework, there was an enriching debate that allowed the participants to reflect on the implementation of the Foster care programmes, the consequences of institutionalisation, and the difficulties in working with children and adolescents that have been separated from their families. Also, the subjects of the characteristics that a foster family should have, the strategies to recruit them, and their supervision and assistance were discussed, and the obstacles for the cooperation between the professionals of the technical teams and the Judiciary were identified.
Later, the representatives from RELAF, UNICEF and SENAME visited the Foster Care Programme of “Adra”, one of the NGOs that participate in the pilot test. The professionals of the technical team analyzed their working modalities and their future challenges, among them the development of strategies to recruit foster families. Concrete actions were planned and agreed on in order to overcome this difficulty.
The following morning, there was a visit to the children’s home “Casa Santa Catalina”, which is the other organization that hosts the Pilot Test. There, a revision of the current working practices took place together with its staff. In this context, the advantages of foster care were highlighted, and the changes that the working routine and approach should go through in the future were discussed. One of the issues raised by the staff of the Home was that of the challenges that arise in working with authorities of other spheres when making decisions for the life of children.
Finally, during the afternoon, a workshop was carried out with the participation of all actors involved in the Pilot Test: RELAF, SENAME, UNICEF, Adra and Casa Santa Catalina. During the activity, the participants shared their impressions regarding all the work done during the visit.
During May, there were a series of activities in Santiago during which representatives of RELAF held meetings with representatives of UNICEF and SENAME (National Service of Minors) so as to launch the pilot test of the project of deinstitutionalisation and improvement of the alternative care conditions of children under 3 years of age.
The activities included the participations of Matilde Luna and Miguel Sorbello, on behalf of RELAF; Soledad Larraín, Lorena Valdebenito, Francisca Morales and Carolina Bascuñán, on behalf of UNICEF Chile; Víctor Martínez, consultant for UNICEF; Flora Vivanco, Ana Cáceres and Ana María Rebolledo, on behalf of SENAME; and Alicia Grandón, consultant for SENAME.
First, a meeting was held between UNICEF Chile’s working team and SENAME representatives, with the purpose of defining the guidelines of the project. In this meeting, SENAME presented the technical guidelines of the Chilean standards, and the implementation of the pilot test was discussed.
Later, there was an activity to work on the strategies to raise awareness among the personnel of children’s institutions about the importance of foster care as a measure of alternative care for children deprived of parental care, and the objectives of the program and the details of its implementation were presented. This activity had the participation of representatives of Family Courts, the Puente Programme and Chile Crece Contigo.
During the second working day, meetings were carried out with the workers who collaborate with SENAME and who have a home for babies who are still breastfeeding, as well as with members of the specialized foster families programme, with which the project was discussed. Finally, an evaluation of all of the activities was made and the next steps of the regional initiative were defined.
The accomplishment of these activities was possible thanks to the current regional and national conditions. It will be on the basis of the proof of the damage caused on children who are institutionalised at an early age that relevant workers of the cooperating bodies, the government and the civil society will be able to implement concrete actions to remedy this situation.
This initiative means an excellent opportunity for RELAF to promote, accompany and contribute to the restoration of the Right to Community- and Family-based care for babies without parental care.