Technical Cooperation


Chile |   Agosto 2012

Relaf was in Santiago de Chile participating once more in the working meetings of the Pilot Test, which is part of the Regional Initiative for the eradication of the internment of children under the age of three. This time it was Daniel Moreira from Uruguay who led the technical cooperation activities, the visits to the residential care institutions and the meetings. 

In this context, a workshop with judges and the staff of civil society organisations that participate in the initiative was carried out on August 29 in facilities of the Ministry of Justice. The workshop used scenes extracted from films that help reflect on the situation of young children separated from their families, the people responsible to care for them and the consequences of their long stays at children’s institutions. The scenes screened provided a good opportunity for an interesting debate and for the questioning of the practices.

Also on the 29th, a meeting was held in Hogar Casa Santa Catalina with the institution’s staff. The institution’s work methodology was discussed: for instance, the fact that children housed there have a lifebook, a child friendly way to collect all relevant information relating to life stories of the child. There is also a system of therapeutic companions provided by a nearby university. Likewise, the institution’s staff presented their strategy of gradual family reintegration, in which children are allowed to periodically leave the institution to spend time with their families in order to prepare them for their return. They also showed the high level of coordination with local networks, which serve the function of maintaining the bonds between the children and their families.

The following day, a meeting was held in ADRA. The work modality of ADRA’s project, which aims primarily to foster care in extended family, was tackled. In addition to this, the project’s staff detailed the approach methodologies and the process to evaluate the families involved. They also highlighted their fluent communication and connection with other childcare centres or services, the importance to monitor the situation of children and their families after the children are released from the institution, and the ways in which they intend to cover these two requirements.


One of the highlights of our visit to Chile, during the afternoon, Soledad Larraín, from UNICEF’s Rights Protection area, and Daniel Moreira were received by Rolando Melo, SENAME’s General Director, who showed his interest in the pilot test. Finally, the workshop for SENAME operators was carried out with a great turnout. In this context, the workshop consisted once more of film screenings that opened the door for debate.

The event was regarded as very positive by the participants.

With your help, we can keep on working so that all children can live in a loving family just like yours.