Under the project "Development of a baseline and monitoring for deinstitutionalization (DI) in Latin America and the Caribbean", which is one of the key components of the technical cooperation agreement between RELAF and UNICEF Lacro, a working meeting was held in Paraguay on September 30 with Directors of the National Ministry of Children and Adolescents (SNNA), key figures from the civil society (Corazones por la Infancia, Enfoque Niñez, SOS Children's Villages), independent experts, and UNICEF Paraguay. It was coordinated by Alejandro Retamoso and Ignacio Martínez (RELAF).
The meeting allowed a rich exchange of opinions and information, where the tools for the project were validated while the information available on the situation of children and adolescents deprived of parental care was gathered and shared.
The results were very positive, especially with regard to the capacity for dialogue between the parties and the attention put into the activity. The meeting provided further room to improve the tools being used, and to deepen the discussion on the information available on the subject.
To end the visit to Paraguay, the RELAF consulting team had the opportunity to meet with the Minister of SNNA, Carlos Zárate, General Director Ricardo González, and the General Director of Special Protection, Fátima Cabrera. This provided a space to present the topics discussed at the meeting and an opportunity to align efforts to continue working for the improvement of the situation of children and adolescents living in institutions.
Paraguay, along with Uruguay, will be the test countries in the region to implement this tool and to establish a baseline, which will be presented during the meeting of Monday, November 23, under the RAADH - NIÑ@SUR.