Technical Cooperation

A consolidating technical cooperation

Uruguay |   November - December 2016

On December 20, Matilde Luna (Director of RELAF) and Mauricio Vázquez (Coordinator of International Relations) held activity evaluation meetings with civil society organisations within the framework of the cooperation agreement with UNICEF Uruguay.

In this sense, alongside UNICEF's Protection Officer Lucía Vernazza, the continuity of trainings on alternative care and of the sensitisation about the high rate of children institutionalisation in Uruguay was planned. We'll keep you posted on the concrete impact actions that will take place during 2017.

On another note, in meetings held with Gastón Cortés, representative of the Committee on the Rights of the Child of Uruguay, and Ariel Sotelo, from AUDEC, we agreed on the design of a work strategy to bolster actions for the coming year. We'll inform on important joint activities soon.

On the same day, Matilde Luna met with Luis Pedernera, recently chosen as an independent expert for the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child. Undoubtedly, having a Latin American representative with Luis's level of commitment in the Committee is extremely positive.

With your help, we can keep on working so that all children can live in a loving family just like yours.