Technical Cooperation

Series of webinars and participatory workshop with adolescents on the right to family life

Uruguay |   July 2016

Application of the UN Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children

Within the framework of the technical cooperation between RELAF and UNICEF Uruguay, and with support from the Committee on the Rights of the Child of Uruguay, ANONG and AUDEC, a technical assistance and advocacy plan began with different civil society organisations throughout the country. At first, it focused on the conduction of three workshops entitled "Towards an alternative care model in Uruguay. A development approach from the civil society". These workshops were carried out during 2015 and 2016 with the participation of local civil society representatives of Maldonado, Paysandú and Rivera.

In this context, a series of virtual workshops (webinars) on the Application of the UN Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children was carried out on July 11, 15 and 21. These workshops included expositions by Uruguayan and Argentine experts and the participation of 48 persons from different social organisations from Montevideo, Soriano, Maldonado, Florida, Tacuarembó, Salto and Colonia.

The first webinar revolved around the prevention of family separation and was led by Miguel Sorbello, BA in Social Work at the University of Buenos Aires and Coordinator of the Programme of Networks and Rights of the Buenos Aires City Ombudsman Office.

The second webinar focused on the processes of family separation and alternative care, and was under the responsibility of Hernán Lago. Hernán is a Psychologist graduated at the National University of Mar del Plata, with a specialisation in Childhood and Institutions. As of 2010, he is part of the technical team of Puan Municipality's Foster Care Programme, where he collaborated in the preparation and execution phases.

The third webinar tackled the family reintegration of institutionalised children as well as their autonomy and egress from the alternative care system, and was presented by Pablo Domínguez (Uruguay) and Ezequiel Trigo (Argentina).

Pablo Domínguez is one of La Barca NGO directors, in which he currently coordinates the Anticipated Autonomy Programme that has helped restore the right to family life of several children.  

Ezequiel Trigo has a BA in Psychology at the University of Buenos Aires and, since 2007, is in charge of the trainings provided by Doncel NGO, which also works on the process of egress of children from institutions.  

We invite you to explore the bibliography available on our website and recommend you read the Guide of standards for the personnel of public and private entities in charge of the protection of children and adolescents. This series of webinars was based on this document.

With your help, we can keep on working so that all children can live in a loving family just like yours.