Technical Cooperation

Uruguay: third workshop, "Towards a model of Alternative Care in Uruguay", in the city of Rivera

Uruguay |   March 2016

On March 14, in the city of Rivera, RELAF, with the support of UNICEF Uruguay, the collaboration of ANONG, the Committee on the Rights of the Child of Uruguay and AUDEC, conducted the workshop "Towards a model of Alternative Care in Uruguay. A developmental perspective from civil society."

The workshop is the third in a series RELAF has been carrying out in Uruguay with the participation of local NGOs dedicated to working with children in critical contexts. The day was very productive, with multiple exchanges with regional players, with representatives both from the local department and from Tacuarembó. We must emphasise the talk given by Psychiatrist Jorge Volnovich, a specialist in cases of violence against institutionalised children, who shared his experience in identifying this phenomenon, as well as the performance of operators before this kind of occurrences. Mauricio Vázquez Correa (Coordinator of International Relations for RELAF) spoke about the situation of institutionalised children and the "culture of confinement" in Uruguay.

This initiative has been very well received, and we are currently planning actions that will give continuity to this series of workshops.

With your help, we can keep on working so that all children can live in a loving family just like yours.