Technical Cooperation


Peru |   April 2010

In March, Project Leader Matilde Luna held several meetings with the media and other local key actors involved in the implementation of the right to family- and community-based care, in which she talked about the work done by RELAF in the region. The activities were promoted by the office of UNICEF Peru, INABIF, Programa del Niño y del Adolescente of MIMDES (Programme for the Children and Adolescents, of the Ministry of Women and Social Development) and the organisation Buckner Peru.

This Andean country has the commitment to pay off a debt to childhood: institutionalisation is still the only response for children without parental care. Different local actors stated the necessity to have more resources for family-based alternative care, as well as resources to support the family of origin in raising their children.

There is still a long way to go for organisations responsible for public policies and for other social organisations. Besides, it is necessary to work with society as a whole, through the media and other resources, in order to build a vision in accordance with the right to family- and community-based care.

The sponsors’ commitment to give continuity to their tasks in this field of action is inspiring.


Relaf in the Peruvian media.



“Let’s dare to be the mark in a person’s life”
She suggests joining an initiative that changes the lives of many children.
In Peru, 13 families raise 16 children as if they were their own children.

Karina Garay Rojas

We share a newspaper article sent by Claudia León, Director of Buckner Peru.

As we informed in our March newsletter, during her stay in Peru, Project Leader Matilde Luna held several meetings with the media and other local key actors involved in the implementation of the right to family- and community-based care, in which she talked about the activities held by RELAF in the region.

The UNICEF office in Peru organised interviews between the expert and the local media to talk about the right to family- and community-based care.

Thanks to Claudia León we can share the newspaper article published by “El Peruano” newspaper, which was published on Wednesday, April 7 under the title “Let’s dare to be the mark in another person’s life”.

In the article, author Karina Garay Rojas included the activities carried out by the RELAF project and raised awareness of the right of every child to live in a family and a community, as well as the need in Peru to promote deinstitutionalisation processes and to strengthen family-based alternative care.

We highlight the relevant role the media can have in reaching society with projects and initiatives!

Read the complete article here:

With your help, we can keep on working so that all children can live in a loving family just like yours.