Technical assistance was given to the Foster Care Programme carried out jointly by Buckner Peru and INABIF - Programme of the Child and Adolescent of the Ministry of Women and Social Development. As a pilot programme in Peru, the Programme is innovative and although small in terms of the children included, it is very significant in the sense that it is developing a care experience with an appropriate focus: an alternative to institutional care in a context where children are overwhelmingly placed in “Homes”.
Currently, the Programme provides family-based alternative care to 32 children. Inasmuch as the programme was designed to deinstitutionalise children who are accommodated in residential attention centres (RAC), the majority of them originate from said homes, but the programme is able to respond to existing cases to avoid institutionalisation. The work the team is carrying out is important in relation to the reconnection of children with their families of origin. Given that the majority comes from long stays in the RAC, said links with families are often weak or completely broken.
In this sense, it is important to highlight the achievements that have been obtained, with children who have left the programme reintegrating with their family of origin and others who have reintegrated into their extended family. The team concerns itself with the context of poverty and the lack of public policies of support for families, which in some cases causes delay to the reintegration, but they work under the strong conviction that poverty cannot cause a sustained and unnecessary separation.
Contact details are as follows:
Buckner Perú
Tarata 269-oficce 205. Miraflores, Lima. Perú.
(511) 242-1858
(511) 446-9390
INABIF - Programme of the Child and Adolescent of MIMDES - Ministry of the Woman and Vulnerable Population
Jr. Camaná 616 - Lima Perú
Telf. (511) 626 - 1600