BA Marina Sawatzky, the psychologist in charge of the Adoption Centre of the National Secretariat of Childhood and Adolescence, has shared with us the latest advances in Paraguay in relation to foster care. During the last year, the process of approval of the Decree on Foster Care took place, and it was finally signed by the President of the Republic.
On the other hand, the Adoption Centre is putting a great deal of effort into the preparation of intervention protocols for each area, including the Foster Care area. Undoubtedly, these protocols are important working tools that will strengthen the professional practice with a human rights approach.
Let’s celebrate the advances in Paraguay, achieved thanks to the joint efforts and hard work put in by the governmental authorities, the NGOs, the technical teams and the families that strive to fulfil the right of children to family life!
Presidential Decree N° 5196, which establishes the Foster Care Programme for children and adolescents in need of protection and support”
The recently approved Decree deals with the causes of the separation of the child from their family of origin and highlights the provisional nature of this measure. It establishes that, when facing a necessary separation, the State and the civil society must provide alternative care that protects the rights of the child, “among which the right to develop in a family or family environment is essential”. With relation to foster care, following the guidelines of the Code of Childhood and Adolescence, the Decree establishes that “the children’s contact and life with their close family or affective environment must be maintained”, which gives an important role to the children’s extended family and affective referents. It also gives a definition of Foster Care and establishes that its regulation will be under the responsibility of the National Secretariat of Childhood and Adolescence. It is important to note that, among the characteristics of this practice, the Decree mentions that “foster care is to be implemented along with the maintenance of the child’s bond with their family of origin” and that “it will be temporary and will last until the definitive situation of the child or adolescent is decided”.
For further information, please visit the section “Presentations” in the 2010 Seminar page in our website, where you will find a presentation by Paraguay about the Presidential Decree N° 5196