Technical Cooperation

Continuing with the project

Panama |   April - May - June 2017

After a productive 2-year technical cooperation project between RELAF, UNICEF Panama, the Panamanian government and civil society, we are still carrying on with the deinstitutionalisation project in the country.

In this sense, on April 28 we made a presentation on the first day of trainings for the Monitoring and Support Committee for Deinstitutionalisation, led by SENNIAF Panama. The work schedule included two presentations: “Guidelines for the alternative care of children and adolescents”, presented by Andrea Lo Presti (Protection Advisor for UNICEF Panama), and “Foster Care. Guide of standards for the practices”, presented by Krysthel Lokan Rojas (RELAF).

Public prosecutors of the Public Ministry, Children’s judges of the Judiciary Organ, collaborators of NGOs and foundations, and officials from SENNIAF and its regional branches took part in the activity.

Moreover, on June 22 we met with the Commission for the Monitoring of Deinstitutionalisation in Panama with the aim of deepening our joint work. The meeting focused on the mechanisms necessary to turn pilot testing into a public policy for the egress of children from institutions. SENNIAF Panama representatives took part in the meeting along with members from civil society organisations: Hogar Malambo, Ciudad del Niño, Clamor del Corazón, and REDNANIAP (the National Network for the Support of Children and Adolescents in Panama).

Finally, we would gladly like to let you know that, during the day following this meeting and within the framework of the technical cooperation project, a camp was carried out with the participation of 30 out of the 75 children and adolescents that returned to family life. It was a very emotional occasion for all the children.

With your help, we can keep on working so that all children can live in a loving family just like yours.