We conducted several activities within the framework of the strong technical cooperation between RELAF, UNICEF Panamá, MIDES Panamá, SENNIAF and the civil society.
On August 23 and along with UNICEF Panama, we conducted a work meeting with the SENNIAF team on a roadmap for the implementation of a national process of deinstitutionalisation, analysing the system implemented in the Casa Hogar Soná Pilot Programme.
We also held several meetings with organisations from the civil society. On August 24, we met with the teams from Hogar Malambo and Ciudad del Niño. We conducted two work sessions to exchange technical practices and to evaluate the draft proposals for foster care and deinstitutionalisation draft proposals. Likewise, a record of the activities was discussed.
Together with SOS Children Villages Colón, we conducted an exchange workshop on August 25 to continue with the deinstitutionalisation processes and track the activities and agreements.
In addition, continuing with the planned agenda, we held the third meeting of the Monitoring Committee for the Deinstitutionalisation and Transformation of the three previously mentioned civil society organisations. We’ll keep reporting on any advances in this regard.
Finally, we’d like to share with you that, along with UNICEF Panama, we are organising a National Seminar on Deinstitutionalisation scheduled for October 18.