Within the framework of the technical cooperation that RELAF has been undertaking along with UNICEF México, a project that has set as one of its goals the creation of pilot programmes, three training sessions were given on alternative foster care to the Mexico City DIF (National System for Integral Family Development), with the objective of starting to train the technical teams on the concepts and methodologies necessary for the implementation of foster care programmes.
These working sessions were carried out with the technical team of DIF Mexico City and mainly focused on defining a profile of the population to which the agency provides assistance. A review was done of the workflow needed for working with children and adolescents without parental care, in order to understand the processes and actions already in place, as well as those that should be put into use to guarantee the right to family and community life for all children.
Also, following the signing of an agreement with the Mexican Federal Attorney’s Office for the Protection of Children and Adolescents, meetings were held with said office in which we discussed the upcoming pilot test of foster care, which will focus on migrant children.