The roundtable on foster care is composed by the Secretariat of Social Welfare (SBS), Buckner Guatemala and Refugio de la Niñez. This formation had been one of the recommendations expressed by Matilde Luna in the consultancy carried out in October 2010 for UNICEF Guatemala, during which an evaluation of the Substitute Families Programme had been made. Today, the roundtable is solid and is working.
All three organisations are working jointly, in coordination with one another. Although the casuistry is still limited, all three programmes are advancing in the establishment and consolidation of foster care in Guatemala: they are starting to position themselves as reliable, transparent pilot programmes, they are doing good efforts to strengthen families and prevent separations, and they are carrying out strong experiences of foster care in extended family.
Contact information:
Refugio de la Niñez
11 Avenida 16-40 zona 1. Guatemala City. Guatemala, C.A. 01001
(502) 2253-7976
Buckner Guatemala