As we mentioned in previous newsletters, the technical cooperation between RELAF y UNICEF Ecuador Ecuador seeks to strengthen the Network for the Right to Family and Community Life in Ecuador through a series of meetings and activities. The Network aims to be a space for the technical strengthening of member organisations, as well as a coordination nexus for the development of strategies to advocate for and improve alternative care.
In this sense, RELAF supported the conduction of the 4th Inter-sectorial Meeting of the Network for the Right to Family and Community Life in Ecuador, which took place at the premises of the School of Psychology of the Central University on July 29.
The event was attended by Lorena Chavez, consultant and member of RELAF’s Consultative Council, and included the participation of the Ecuadorian society civil.
The work agenda revolved around strengthening the collective construction of the models of family strengthening and foster care, and on reviewing the mechanisms for monitoring the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child within the Universal Human Rights System. More precisely, the event focused on obtaining the commitment of the participating organisations for preparing an alternative report that shall be submitted to the Committee on the Rights of the Child, namely a chapter on alternative care. This commitment was reached and a roadmap was drafted.