On October 14, a Workshop for the ‘Right to Live in a Family and a Community’ was conducted in Misiones.
The event was organised by the Ombudsman for the Rights of Children and Adolescents (Vice-Government of the Province of Misiones), the Chamber of Representatives of the Province of Misiones, and RELAF.
The following key actors from Argentina and Paraguay participated in the event: Ombudsman of the Province of Misiones, Dr. Molina; the Minister for Social Inclusion of San Luis, Federico Tula Barale; Deputy Lidia Batista; Director of Relaf, Matilde Luna; the Paraguayan Minister for Childhood, Carlos Zárate; the Minister for Development of Misiones, Joaquín Losada; the Deputy President of the Commission of Childhood of Misiones; and the Sub–Secretary of Childhood of the Province of Santa Fe, Cristian Allende. National Senator Sandra Giménez, provincial Ministers for Human Rights and Health, judges, deputies of specialised commissions, professionals and directors of NGOs and those of health systems and provincial protection were also present and contributed to the debate.
The objective of the Workshop centred on identifying the necessary adaptation of regulations and laws in light of experiences of foster care and deinstitutionalisation carried out in the region.