Technical Cooperation


British Guiana |   April 22-24

The Foundation Judiciary Institutes Windward Islands (FJIWI), which is responsible for Child Protection and Foster Care on the Windward Islands (Sint Maarten, Saba and Sint Eustatius) has undertaken the challenge of developing a Regional Foster Care Network.

During the Foster Care Regional Conference organized by FJIWI in Sint Maarten last April, in which the RELAF Project Leader, Matilde Luna, participated as an outstanding speaker, the Foundation requested support and collaboration of three organizations with the purpose of receiving guidance to start and develop the RELAF project (through Lic. Matilde Luna), Better Care Network (through Bep van Sloten) and IFCO (through Myrna McNitt). Having been selected for their distinguished track record and experience, they committed themselves to the development of this important project and will be the network’s new advisers.

With your help, we can keep on working so that all children can live in a loving family just like yours.