The Workshop Seminar ‘Separation, ruptures, break-ups, discontinuities. Trying to name what is irrepresentable?’ was carried out in Buenos Aires on October 5 by Daniel Moreira, member of the RELAF Latin American Council, University professor and professional at CENFORES, Centre for Training and Research of INAU (Instituto del Niño y Adolescente del Uruguay).
The Seminar was organised by Relaf with the collaboration of the Ieladeinu Programme and the Children and Adolescents’ Rights Council of the City of Buenos Aires.
The call was very successful: the event included the participation of professionals from non-governmental organizations (Campos del Psicoanálisis, Ieladeinu, Caminos del Sol) and governmental organizations (National Secretariat of Childhood, Adolescence and Family and the Children and Adolescents’ Rights Council of the City of Buenos Aires) which are in charge of foster care programmes.
The topic (axis) of the Workshop Seminar revolved around an important difficulty for the professionals involved in the protection of children without parental care, which is the separation from a child, a situation that many times is considered as irrepresentable, unacceptable, incomprehensible and difficult to explain in the light of the existing representations of motherhood, fatherhood and families.
The work was carried out based on film scenes in which the separation or its effects were present. Taking them as triggers for the analysis, we discussed them, including theoretical contributions that contribute to a different analysis of these complex situations.
The Workshop Seminar was very enriching for everybody. The methodology proposed by Daniel Moreira made it possible to create a fluent exchange between the technical teams of the different organisations.
Besides, important conclusions were drawn that reflected the challenges the teams face in their practices with children, adolescents and their families of origin.