Technical Cooperation


Argentina |   March 2009

Ielandeinu is an organisation of the Jewish community that is derived from the recognition of the plight of children that suffer from abuse. Based on this recognition, this integral programme gives different responses in an attempt to restore the rights of the children, looking to ensure families are capable of protecting them, reducing violent patterns of mistreatment.

The foster programme of Ieladeinu is based strongly on activities to strengthen families of origin and establish, as an alternative, the inclusion of children in children’s homes. In its progressive growth, it has been able to commit families from the community to offer themselves as foster families.

The supervision of RELAF allows for the achievement of different aspects of the execution of the programme, highlighting the activity of the “laboratory of cases”. The aim of this activity is to revise criteria, ensuring the ethic perspective and rights approach in all instances dealing with children and families.



Tucumán 3238  - C.A.B.A. - República Argentina
Telephone: (+5411) 4002.0151

With your help, we can keep on working so that all children can live in a loving family just like yours.