Program Specialist  |

Oscar Melchor Moreno is a psychologist with diplomas in the prevention and assistance of gender-based violence and human trafficking, human rights, and public policies. He has extensive experience in protecting children without parental care and in psychosocial intervention for family strengthening, knowledge which he has brought to his teaching at UNAM. From 2008 to 2018, he held coordination positions in public programs for reeducational attention to men who perpetrate violence, comprehensive care for child abuse, special protection for children without parental care, and family intervention in the adoption process of children. Through RELAF, he has been involved in projects focused on preventing the unnecessary separation of children, promoting foster care, and deinstitutionalization in over 10 states in Mexico. He has contributed to the development of more than 15 technical tools and/or situation diagnostics in Mexico as part of RELAF's technical support processes, and since 2019, he has served as the Coordinator of RELAF in Mexico.

With your help, we can keep on working so that all children can live in a loving family just like yours.