He's a sociologist (UCV) married and a adoptive father of two sons (Andrés, 27, and Adrián, 26). He's the co-founder of PROADOPCION, A.C. "Building families from the heart," of which he was the General Director from 2001 to 2021. He's dedicated to restoring the rights of children and adolescents to live in a family. He's the editor of the series "Adopting in Venezuela" and has been a speaker, facilitator, and lecturer invited by NGOs, universities, and organizations in Venezuela, Latin America, and Europe. He's a member of the Latin American Network for Adoption and an activist and defender of human rights since 2007 in the REDHNNA (Venezuelan coalition of NGOs for the human rights of children and adolescents). He has training in Planning and Management of Comprehensive Public Policies for Early Childhood. Currently, he serves as the Executive President of the Emanuel Foundation "Serving others without exception," where he promotes projects within Christian churches and popular communities to defend, protect, and provide alternative care for children and adolescents in vulnerable situations experiencing various forms of orphanhood.