Master’s degree in Public Administration and Mason Fellow of Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University. Master’s degree in Rural Development from the Faculty of Interdisciplinary Studies at the Javeriana University and Specialist in Ontological Coach at Newfields Consulting. During her professional career she worked with the Ministries of Education, Agriculture and Social Protection in programmes for institutional strengthening, gender, local development and labour adjustment. Worked as Manager for the Colombian Confederation of NGOs, representing its members in the BID's Consultative Council, in the working team with the World Bank, and in Civicus. Member of the Harvard MIT club, of the Colombian Women's Foundation, and of the Protection of the Childhood Alliance Round Table, that works with 20 civil society organisations and is a part of Redlamyc, the Latin American Network for Children's Rights.
For the last years, she has been the Manager and Legal Representative of the Kidsave Colombia Foundation. Kidsave is an organisation that has provided support to more than 3000 children: 350 of them have been adopted and 77 have been placed in foster families.