Carolina Bascuñan


Sociologist, Master’s degree in Children and Adolescents Rights. Postgraduate in Analysis and Interpretation of Social Data and Management of Complex Databases. Consultant for Special Protection for UNICEF Chile for 9 years between 2004 and 2013. She used to be a member of the National Childhood Council for the Ministry General Secretariat of Chile, in charge of the project "Specialised Ombudsman for Children in the Residential Care System". On an international level, she has worked on several consultancies for institutions such as PNUD, OEA, the German Cooperation Agency GIZ, the Andean Education Development Corporation (CAF), ONUSIDA, amongst others. On a national level, she was the Gender Issues Consultant for the Solidarity and Social Inversion Fund (FOSIS) from 2009 to 2010, and International Cooperation Consultant for AGCI during 2012.
She is currently a teacher at the Judicial Academy, teaches Psychology in the Master’s degree in Adolescence Psychology at Universidad del Desarrollo, and teaches Children's Rights in the Law Faculty at Central University.

With your help, we can keep on working so that all children can live in a loving family just like yours.